What will Battered Mothers Custody Conference Do When Confronted with Truth?????

The A.T.W team of researchers and writers have worked long and hard to root out the truth about certain victim rights advocates to expose liars and abusers within victim advocacy organizations.Our intention is to prevent the honest mother – truly being victimized by family court- from being re- victimized, saving herself and her children from experiencing even more pain and heartache.

We call these abusive advocates “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

We back up our findings with documented proof in the form of public police reports, public court documents, and various screen shots in our subjects’own words.
(See A.T.W.’s Intention and Purpose: https://abusiveadvocates.wordpress.com/2013/05/01/mission-among-the-wolves/)

Our research has uncovered some disturbing information

American Mothers Political Party (AMPP) and it’s co-founders Claudine Dombrowski and Lorraine Tipton have spread numerous libel around the internet bashing certain mother rights’ leaders and professionals. To date we count 12+ different sites attached to AMPP spewing their hate and vile lies.


California Protective Parents (CPPA) and their leader Connie Valentine Supports Hate Group (examples of online attacks, libel, & complaints against AMPP)

CPPA Supports Hate Group

Center for Judicial Excellence( CJE) and their leader Kathleen Russell Reportedly “Share Same Values” and “Work Very Closely Together” with AMPP:

Lorraine Tipton on the BMCC (the steely cold side of mother’s rights unmasked and unedited)

Lorraine Tipton on the BMCC (The steely cold side of “mother’s rights” unmasked and unedited)

Lorraine Tipton/Rainy68 Hate Video

Claudine Dombrowski & the BMCC: Abuser in the Spotlight https://abusiveadvocates.wordpress.com/2013/04/18/abuser-in-the-spotlight/

According to Claudine: “So simply put. “Advocates are the same slough of people who have personal agendas – usually none care at all about the victims…I am not an advocate.”

ATW exposes these individuals catching them in their lies and revealing the abusers that they are. Although our blog has become wildly popular and has many hits in a short amount of time, we are puzzled by the reaction of some other advocates and professionals within the victim advocacy movement.

ATW has posted the link to our blog around Facebook and on other internet blogs in order to unveil the truth- backed up with proof-about these “wolves in sheep’s clothing”.

Twice ATW posted a link to our blog on a well known professional’s Facebook wall and twice our link was removed.( we have the screen shots to prove it). ATW also posted a link on the BMCC facebook event wall and this was also removed. We ask why is this???

Let us be clear; A.T.W respects these professionals and the work that they do, but we are perplexed with their reluctance to stand up for the truth in this matter. Yet they call others to action and motivate them to stand up for the truth and expose family court corruption. Isn’t their mission to advocate for the truth, and give it a voice? Isn’t their mission to advocate against abuse and abusers?

One of the organizations and professionals being bashed is PMA and Lundy Bancroft. The advocates, leaders and professionals within the victim advocacy movement all have stated many times that they respect and admire Lundy Bancroft. Why won’t any of these professionals and advocates defend Lundy Bancroft and help reveal the truth? Why was our link removed?

AMPP Attack Mothers Wage War-Blitzkreig PMA, Lundy & Janice (Examples of harassment, libel and false accusations made by AMPP against PMA. AMPP wages “war”, states Janice Levinson’s phone number will be written in “various bathroom stalls in Florida” and attacks against Lundy Bancroft including
that he is (quote) ” all around a-hole of the whole ‘mothers rights’ movement. “)

AMPP Attack Mothers Wage War – Blitzkrieg PMA, Lundy & Janice

Lawless America and Bill Windsor is another organization and advocate under attack. The relentless, ridiculous lies, and death threats from AMPP and “allies” have resulted in family stressors for Bill. He is not allowed to see his grandchildren due to the families’ fear of the actions of AMPP and other bullies. You may not agree philosophically with Bill, but he does not deserve this abuse-no one does.

Truth on Trial: Bill Windsor Has His Day in Court (Vicious attacks and lies bring Windsor into court to face his accusers. The accusers plan their victory over Windsor, even fantasizing that Windsor will be raped in a prison shower. Claudine and Lorraine openly supports these abusive bullies, and has joined their page–as well as other members of AMPP)

Truth on Trial in Missouri – Bill Windsor has his day in Court

Bill Windsor: I fear for my safety and the safety of my family

Bill Windsor, “I fear for my safety and the safety of my family..”

Claudine Dombrowski: Holocaust Hypocrite (Includes list of hate sites attacking Bill Windsor and PMA, and calling both a Nazi and worse..)

Claudine Dombrowski: Holocaust Hypocrite

So this begs the question. Why? Why the silence from those who can help stop this atrocious, criminal behavior from AMPP and allies.

Claudine Dombrowski (direct quote) “Sue me you fucking freek. I dare you, to bring that fat ass to to the land of OZ. You will need a lot more than target lessons to take me on. You will need an ENTIRE army.” https://abusiveadvocates.wordpress.com/2013/03/23/claudine-dombrowski-wizard-fantasy/

Why do intelligent professionals continue to support these abusers? Why would any reasonable, intelligent professional and leader knowingly continue to have their name attached to such criminal behavior.


12 thoughts on “What will Battered Mothers Custody Conference Do When Confronted with Truth?????

  1. Shame, Shame, Shame! on AMPP and even the BMCC for staying silent while protective mothers and advocates suffer under AMPP’s abuse.


  2. I have respect for Lundy PMA and Janice. What AMPP is doing is horrible. The BMCC not saying anything makes me not want to go. I will not be going to the BMCC . My mom friends are not going either.


  3. This is really very sad that YOU choose to set the battered mother’s movement back with your petty hate and contempt.


    • Our research and posts are the truth backed up with documented facts. ( please read “ATW intention and purpose; a response to a readers comment.”)

      A.T.W’s intention and purpose; A response to a readers’ comment

      A.T.W simply gathers facts backed up with documented proof and present it to our readers. All our readers are invited to submit any official documentation to dispute or support our research. We are not responsible for others’ actions or lack thereof.

      Truth is powerful and it prevails.

      Sojourner Truth


      • You have called out several protective mothers here on your blog and on several of those cases you have not provided one iota of paperwork in their own cases to prove that they are abusive. I know of several moms who are NOT abusive and yet you still point the finger at them saying they are. Go back through your posts and prove that every single woman you have featured on this blog is abusive to their child or their ex and I will eat my words. I know for a fact you cannot do that.


      • Jane; It seems we have a breakdown of communication here. The main theme of A.T.W’s posts- so far- is the intense cyber-bullying by a small minority of people towards some professionals, groups and advocates within the victim’s advocacy movement. Cyber-bullying is considered abuse, therefore those who cyber-bully are abusers. Our posts have provided much documented proof of the abusive cyber-bullying. We are not researching individual court cases or child abuse complaints at this time. In the case of Maria Melinn, we commented on her lack of concern about her children’s privacy and safety online along with her ignoring her children’s request, to stop. A.T.W provided proof on this issue, along with a link to find even more. All our readers are invited to provide documented proof supporting or refuting our posts.


  4. Hi!,I have a lot of respect for Lundy Bancroft, PMA ,and Janice Levinson. This trashing of them by AMPP is horrible. The fact that other BMCC professionals allow this to happen is even more horrible. I won’t be going to the BMCC, ever.


  5. Yes we do have a breakdown in communication here, you are very right about that issue. You are posting information about MM and stating that you are siding with what “appears” to be her children creating the website Michael’s Wish. How do you know it is her children? How do we know her children are posting on various message boards? This is the Internet after all. I am discussing certain people.

    You posted videos of women who are not abusive and not taking part in any “cyber bullying” simply because you are angry. And one could say that you are engaging in cyber bullying as well. It all depends on how you twist things to suit your purpose. And isn’t that what an abuser does?

    I find it very interesting you refuse to reveal your identity. Why is that? If you were being truly noble in your quest to reveal cyber bullies, it would not deter you to have your identity revealed. Especially if this truly was a case of cyber bullying because you would only have to report it to the proper authorities if you felt any fear and the authorities would take care of it. Or maybe some of the women posting on the Internet are correct and this is simply a battle of wills and you must win at all costs. Do you really honestly believe that the only mothers advocacy group that is needed is PMA? Have you not witnessed the breakdown of Bill Windsor over the last few months?

    I am simply trying to understand the mind of someone who must hide behind a ferocious predator. I have seen advocates who hide behind a mascot who are trying to help the victims, and they do not choose to use a predator. They use silly mascots like pigs, hogs, cats, dogs, alpacas, and owls. They use stars, moons, the sun, and many other mascot avatars, yet you utilize the wolf – a symbolic if scary symbol that strikes fear. Why is that? Why do most who utilize a mascot choose one that brings a smile to their face or warmth to their heart, and you choose one that invokes fear?

    Why not bring your concerns directly to the people involved? Why must you attempt to tear down and destroy many years of hard work. Work that I witnessed first hand at BMCC X. And yes I was there. Nobody left with any fear in their heart. In fact I mad several very good connections, met some very wonderful people, and came away with several good ideas as to how to move forward from this point on. And all of the mothers (the victims) have all listened to my ideas and have given their approval and provided feedback as well. Now if you would like to discuss why you feel the need to rip apart those who attempted to help PMA get off the ground, who gave selflessly of their time, then we can discuss that. I personally do not believe you are willing to do so. You see someone who is trying to instill fear and “quiet” someone else down, must use intimidation and scare that person. I do not scare so easily, and nothing posted here is a threat. In fact nothing I have posted to date is a threat. And in looking at screen shots of what I have received from others who have posted here which was not allowed and the wording was changed, I see someone attempting to force their will on others. And in looking at what we need to do, forcing someone to shut up simply because you do not like them or because you want to be the one to save all the victims is pretty lousy.

    But what do I know? I am only a nameless, faceless Jane Doe.


    • RE: How do you know it is her children?

      A.T.W. RESPONSE: As we have stated before, we will accept reader’s documentation or proof to support or refute any of our posts.

      RE: You posted videos of women who are not abusive and not taking part in any “cyber bullying” simply because you are angry.

      A.T.W. RESPONSE: You are making an assumption that we are angry, and are not providing us with specific details needed to respond.

      RE: And one could say that you are engaging in cyber bullying as well. It all depends on how you twist things to suit your purpose.

      A.T.W. RESPONSE: A.T.W. offers proof in the form of screenshots, documentation, witness statements and first person accounts for all that we post. The information presented on A.T.W. can be found in the public domain, or is a result of reader tips (which are then researched and verified).

      Some of research we have stumbled upon includes information from our subjects’ own words, which they have decided to publicly post. When a subject decides to publicly post personal information about themselves or their families, they are assuming all responsibility and risk for what they reveal. When the subject puts their information in the public domain, or online, they are consciously making the decision to draw attention to their lives, and thereby giving up their privacy.

      A.T.W. diligently works to preserve the privacy and safety of children involved in these situations–even if their parent chooses not to.

      RE: ” If you were being truly noble in your quest to reveal cyber bullies, it would not deter you to have your identity revealed. Especially if this truly was a case of cyber bullying because you would only have to report it to the proper authorities,,”

      A.T.W. RESPONSE: At this point in time A.T.W. is not being cyber bullied, it is up to the victims who are being cyber bullied to take legal action. We are only exposing the bullying and abuse.

      RE: “. Do you really honestly believe that the only mothers advocacy group that is needed is PMA? “

      A.T.W. RESPONSE: A.T.W. does not represent any special interests or advocacy organizations or individuals. We are not attached to any groups or professionals in the victims advocacy movement or elsewhere.

      RE: “I am simply trying to understand the mind of someone who must hide behind a ferocious predator…


      Do you understand the saying “Wolves in sheep’s clothing?”

      RE: “Why not bring your concerns directly to the people involved? “

      A.T.W. RESPONSE: We are investigative reporters. A.T.W. does not represent any special interests or advocacy organizations or individuals. We are not attached to any groups or professionals in the victims advocacy movement or elsewhere.

      RE: “Now if you would like to discuss why you feel the need to rip apart those who attempted to help PMA get off the ground, who gave selflessly of their time, then we can discuss that…”

      A.T.W. RESPONSE: We have no way of knowing the inner workings of this organization. Our research has made us aware that PMA is getting viciously cyber bullied by what is supposed to be a fellow advocacy group. Our research also clearly shows that the cyber bullying is unprovoked and one sided. A.T.W. is neutral, and does not take a side on these issues, our intent it to provide information to the public so they can make their own decisions.

      RE: “And in looking at screen shots of what I have received from others who have posted here which was not allowed and the wording was changed..”

      A.T.W. RESPONSE: Since you are making an accusation, we ask you to send us the proof.

      RE:”I see someone attempting to force their will on others. And in looking at what we need to do, forcing someone to shut up simply because you do not like them or because you want to be the one to save all the victims is pretty lousy.”

      A.T.W. RESPONSE:You keep assuming you know who we are, and you don’t.

      RE: “I am only a nameless, faceless Jane Doe..”
      A.T.W. RESPONSE: Everyone is important, and every opinion counts. Thanks for your feedback.


  6. Thank u for jumping in to the pool of deceit and cover-up( called the mothers movement) for the sake of truth. Even though the cover up ain’t go’in so well, your dedication to the truth , no matter where it might take us, is admirable and appreciated. More souls should be like the folks at Among The Wolves. This honest reporting is whats helps weed out corruption and abuse in all forms even in movements supposed to be fighting corruption.


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