Maria Melinn Calls for Jail Protest – Does She Deserve It?

ATW NOTE: We at ATW clearly understand that that there are systemic failures in family court including gender bias towards Mothers, corruption and general incompetence that occurs. We at ATW acknowledge that there are Mothers jailed every day for unfair, and unjust reasons.

With this in mind we should not be blinded to the truth. We need to take a closer look when the history, patterns of behavior, and documented evidence suggests that certain individuals claiming to be victims (or even advocates) are not being truthful, and may in fact be abusers—not victims. The drama and chaos caused by these
individuals make it very difficult for others to tell if abuse or injustice is present, we understand this.

Clearly Maria Melinn, has shown by her patterns of behavior and the evidence posted in the public domain, that she has a serious lack of regard for her children’s’ safety, personal feelings and overall well-being. Maria repeatedly has put her own needs/wants in front of that of her children. This is a pattern of behavior, with a history behind it, not just a momentary lapse of judgment.

ATW supports mothers facing injustice in family court. We also condemn predator parents ( mothers OR fathers)—including moms like Maria Melinn—who are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Predator Moms are pretending to be victims, pretending to be protective mothers. They exhaust the resources of advocates and organizations who are trying to help the honest victim. They exhaust the advocates’ and organizations’ time, energy and draw attention to themselves, away from honest protective mothers who urgently need help . They are unable or unwilling to focus on their children or making meaningful change because they demand so much attention or create so much chaos. Their needs come first in everything as they seek the spotlight, or manipulate others to do their bidding. When confronted they cry abuse—they never take responsibility, and claim to be the victim to avoid being exposed in their lies and game playing. These Moms exploit pain and tragedy for their own gain.

Predator Moms are harming real protective mothers and destroying the credibility of the Mother’s Movement. ATW is committed to exposing Predator Moms and the organizations that support/help them.

Breaking News:
We understand that once again Maria Bauer Melinn has been thrown in jail by Judge Cronin…she will be required to spend three days a week in jail from now until November 2013.

Maria is asking that everyone protest outside the jail in a desperate attempt to drum up sympathy for herself. What do you think the picket signs should say???

Maria don’t forget your crown when you go in..

The press release issued by Abused Swan on Maria’s sentence was difficult to read, as she was going off on tangents and trying to blame others rather than address why Maria is in jail this time:

Maria is asking for your support, that you call the jail, call the judge, protest in front of the jail.. but does she deserve it?

Understand that with Maria in jail, her children will actually have a chance at having some peace in their lives…even if only temporary.

Some examples of the abuse and exploitation the children have suffered from their mother Maria Bauer Melinn include the following, all taken from web sites supporting Maria:

Maria has continued to use the identity of her children in multiple online postings, in multiple places without any regard to their safety, privacy or personal wishes…these children have had their identity stolen by Maria’s aggressive and unwanted use of their personal information

-Posted on Child Endangerment Alerts, a sister site to “Abused Swan” is a CPS document (from Feb 2009) Maria thought would further her claims of abuse against her ex but instead reveals that Maria sought abuse charges against her ex that were investigated and found to be without merit and that when asked to get a statement from a medical doctor to prove her allegations of abuse, Maria was unable to do so. Also in this report, Mr. Melinn admitted to one act of domestic violence that occurred about 10 years earlier but was found, at this time, to be an appropriate caregiver.

This is from Maria’s own website—and is public information. If you disagree with this report, take it up with Maria because she alone is responsible for posting this.

Direct Quote “The worker informed Ms. Melinn that if she could get a doctor to put in a report that they were being emotionally abused by their father, CPS would be able to do something.

Ms. Melinn had sent this worker documentation from the last 10 years in order to show that Mr. Melinn is an emotionally abusive person. However, there was no report from a doctor.. There was nothing that indicted that Mr. Melinn was abusive or neglectful of his children.”

Also in this report, “This worker informed Ms. Melinn that I would be denying my case as the injuries — sustained all appear to be accidental and that the kids all told me that they were happy living with their dad. Ms. Melinn stated they are just saying that because they are scared of their dad. The worker told her that may be, but I had no evidence to prove that.”

–December 2012, posted on “Abused Swan” by bff court watcher Deanna “Wet My Pants” Kloostra

Miss you Maria! Don’t forget to write!

Maria could not get her evidence introduced because she lacked a certified copy of a police report, and the CPS report was found to be heresy so she calls her son to testify and give evidence, pressuring this child (as she later did with her youngest in that infamous video) to make abuse allegations against his father, and take the side of his mother (Maria).

It seems more likely that Maria planned to call her son as a witness all along, because most Courts have a procedure to introduce evidence that includes creating a witness list, and that the child would just be available to testify and just happen to be at the courtroom is very unlikely unless it was planned for him to be there.

The child clearly stated he did not want to be on the witness stand, he did not want to be involved. Instead of respecting his wishes, Maria calls him to the witness stand anyways and says his reluctance must be because he is being abused.

In a bizarre twist, Deanna the court watcher then accuses Mr. Melinn of “parental alienation” and her “proof” is unfounded allegations that Mr. Melinn would drill the child for information regarding what happened in Maria’s home.. and yet Maria is doing exactly this by forcing her child to go on the witness stand and drilling him with questions, and pressuring him to make abuse allegations. Instead of respecting the child’s wishes to be left alone, and kept out of legal proceedings. Maria then goes online posting personal information about her children, using their full legal name and repeating abuse allegations after being asked not to involve her children in this!

Direct Quote: “After her documents were not allowed as evidence Maria called her (second oldest) son — to the stand. Once on the stand, — stated he did not want to be involved. If the child did not want to be involved, what was he doing at the hearing? Maria understands that her children do not tell the truth so that they are not harmed physically or mentally and does not hold anything the child says or does against him.”

For additional info, visit Michael’s Wish, a courageous site exposing the truth about Maria Melinn:

Despite this evidence, and more, the clueless Mothers of Lost Children (MOLC) organization, associated with AMPP, is calling for all Sistas to pick up their picket signs and protest at the jail, hoping to free Maria by showing public support.

But what should the picket signs say????? Hmmm…

In the interest of trying to support the Sistas, we are launching **another contest** this time it is not a dance contest (thanks anyways Brannon!!) but is a design a picket sign for Maria contest.

We’ll kick it off ..

1) I went to jail and all I got were these lousy picket signs


2) Handcuffs $50

Rubber Glove Cavity Search $20…

Maria Melinn in Jail..Priceless

3) Honk if you think Maria deserves more jail time



17 thoughts on “Maria Melinn Calls for Jail Protest – Does She Deserve It?

  1. I once supported Maria, then I realized what a snake she is (too late but better than never !).

    Also check out the Maria Melinn videos on the Sean Flemming show.. she really DOES NEED TO BE IN JAIL!!!

    Maria Melinn Lies to Congressional Committee, Read how Maria fooled members of Congress and manipulated them into sympathisizing with her:

    Maria Melinn Breaks HIPPA Laws (and she clearly has done this by posting medical information, and confidential reports online, many involving her own children..too senstive to name here):

    Maria breaks the law recording telephone calls:

    Someone also needs to expose Maria for all the perverted men she talks to online.. how is a so called DV advocate and expert going to be talking nasty to these kinds of perverts is beyond me


  2. Thanks for the info Joelle. What a snake! Yes, I agree with you. I guess once inside jail her male ” friends” won’t be able to enjoy her ” for hours and hours and hours” . She will be too busy ( see above).


    • Sarah sent ATW a link to “Disrobing Blind Justice” by Clare O’Toole an article examining the case of Maria Melinn. Initially the article seems to sympathisize with Maria but on closer investigation of her story, examining documentation and other proof, Ms. O’Toole begins to seriously question Maria, and unravels her web of lies.

      Ms. O’Toole also reveals heartbreaking allegations that Maria has abused and neglected her children, and that they suffered real physical and emotional harm while in her care.

      This is not an article taking sides but presenting the story and allegations of BOTH Maria and Blake. It’s conclusion accurately sums up where the case is today:

      “The tragedy is deepened when battles that began in Family Court, do not cease, as in this case, where “M” struggles against all reason to regain custody of her children, by mounting contrived offensives in court, online and wherever she can against her former husband. The plot has become extremely convoluted with action after action, ironically waged by “M” as an alleged victim of violence.

      Her former husband and supporters retaliate and engage in an online headlock in a bid to push their version of the truth into the open and force “M” to stop her offensive.

      So far, attack has only bred counter-offensive and there is no happy end in sight, much to the distress of the remaining children. The two eldest are now completely estranged from their mother

      To date, committing “M” to jail has done nothing to address the real causes of the problem.” (Clare O’Toole)

      The response of Ms. O’Tooles article is similar to what has happened on ATW when this blog has posted information about Maria Melinn or allowed others to comment with their thoughts and concerns. ATW has NEVER had any contact with Ms. O’Toole–we were only made aware of this article when posted by a reader. Yet the pattern of attacking behavior by one individual– Hawk Eye–is the same.

      As you can see, Hawk Eye’s comments to the Washington Times have been edited due to violations of the comment policy, ” HawkEye
      This comment is edited and portions of comments not pertaining to the article of debate in this forum have been removed.”

      ATW has also edited or removed comments due to violations of our “no abuse policy”. ATW has been attacked for this, but you see that since Hawk Eye’s comments are being removed elsewhere the problem IS NOT with the blog admin–it with Hawk Eye.

      Hawk Eye also uses the comment section to derail the conversation and attacks those who question Maria’s story, even when they are referring to actual documentation/records–what is the purpose of this? Controlling the information the public receives, and attempting to manipulate the reader opinion. Any reader should have the ability to hear all sides to an issue and make up their own mind–is that not the purpose of blogging? Instead Hawk Eye denigrates anyone with a contrary opinion, creates multiple online attack posts, and attempts to distract the reader from the topic at hand. This is clearly controlling behavior that is obscuring the testimony of witnesses that don’t promote Hawk Eye’s agenda, and attempts to stop the truth from being revealed.

      Further, as a result of her article, Ms. O’Toole has been personally attacked in an attempt to distract the reader from the content of her article, and to undermine Ms. O’Toole’s credibility. Hawk Eyes says Ms. O’Toole is “biased journalism” and does not have proper credentials. Hawk Eye claims the comment section is “choreographed”. Hawk Eye demands proof from anyone offering a contrary view, but cannot offer the same level of proof to substantiate her own arguments.

      A similar kind of bullying was experienced here on ATW, in our comment section as well, and as Hawk Eye posted lies about ATW across the internet.

      ATW wants to point this pattern of behavior out to the reader–that when considering the credibility of Hawk Eye, you should also not the pattern of cyber bullying, false allegations and controlling behavior. These kinds of attacks, as Ms. O’Toole mentioned, do not solve the root of the problem. ATW would argue these cyber attacks drain the time, attention and resources that belong to protective moms who are fighting real battles in family court–not the staged dramas of predator parents.


      • Could NOT agree more.
        As for Hawkeye/Jane.

        This is just one link that provides insight into the type of person she is.

        She has tried to sue tbe State of Nevada and threatens to sue multiple people on a regular basis.

        She spends her time defending Maria Melinn & Lori H online. Going as far as to tell Marias son “J” to “go away and stop posting (the truth) in groups that support Maria”.

        This link clearly demonstrates that Jane believes she’s the victim of a vast conspiracy that began in Las Vegas and followed her to Massacheusets.

        Currently trying to find the link where we discovered her ex has been a missing person for a number of years. Having witnessed how relentless, vicious & insane Jane acts..Would I be way off the mark in wondering if she had anything to do with his disappearance?

        I’d like to point out that this is just a thought that has occurred to us.There is no evidence to support it, it is purely speculative.


  3. No he was never my “ex” and he never was missing. They pinched him on 08/10/10 in Hot Springs Arkansas for nonpayment of life-time owed child support to his first wife. Of course, his family has been telling his son from first marriage that he has been dead for years, which is a lie. Now they have to figure out how they are going to explain to that same grandson that the reason it took so long for the Feds to find his father is that via legal fraud, they sealed the warrants in Nevada for child support orders by filing false instruments with the court claiming a “paternity issue” in 2006-07. All the while his father’s family kept feeding his son lies. This legal fraud then traveled to the State of California, where there were open warrants on him for same, that got sealed. They were unsealed following the conviction of Frances Dean, former Clark County Recorder, in August 2010, who was originally charged in March of 2006. She was recently released from jail on a parole violation (May 2013).

    Try tempering your fantasies about me with some straight “facts”, all available by public record. Like everything you post about me, it is purely speculative.

    You seem to forget that significant fact that James E Smith, (NSB #0052) who I retained for representation, was intimately involved with and married a relative to the opposing party’s family throughout the course of representing me. That’s a public record too and it was via this agent and his paralegal (Silvianne Steinbach/Wagner) that all the legal fraud was executed.

    Interesting to see what awaits around the corner for these two.


  4. Here is something really interesting to do some authentic speculation on: They picked him up in Hot Springs Arkansas on the same day that Former Clark County Recorder — Now Criminal Felon Frances Deane — was convicted 08/10/10. Correction to date of original filing of charges = June 13, 2006, not March as stated above. Why do you think it took four years to wrap it up and bring a conviction?

    Yep, sure is going to be interesting to see what awaits around the corner for some people.


    • Jane. You misperceive everything.You defend child abusers. I cannot believe Amen from your mouth.

      In relation to you being evicted from your home for non payment of rent and causing regular disturbances, I suppose that was a conspiracy/legal fraud too? Just curious.


  5. Maria is a hero. All this making fun of her, with the crowns and pictures in your face! Because Maria is the Queen of the Mother’s Movement for all she has done to advocate for abuse victims. Love ya sista! xoxox


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