Bill Windsor on A.T.W’s post : “Barry Goldstein on the Mother’s Movement & Abusers”

RE: ATW has recently been in contact with Barry Goldstein, when we sent him and other professionals, a link introducing the blog, and inviting comments.

Barry has been very candid in sharing his thoughts about the Mother’s Movement and how it should proceed. One of the things Barry mentioned was creating a Protective Mothers Manifesto, to offer guidelines on ethical behavior for those within the Mother’s Movement.

ATW has received Barry’s permission to post his e-mail in full, as long as we agree not to edit, take out of context, or change the content in any way. In the interest of truth and accuracy, we also ask our readers to respect Barry’s wishes. We welcome reader’s comments please keep in mind ATW’s policy keeping all comments respectful.

Thank-you for Barry for your valuable feedback, and contributions.

– Among the Wolves

Read A.T.W’s Post from Barry in it’s entirety;

Bill Windsor comments on Barry Goldstein’s Post:

“In my opinion, Barry Goldstein is incompetent and should be ignored by anyone with intelligence in the world of family courts, abuse, and domestic violence.

For starters, I have to question the intelligence, or lack thereof, of anyone who would defend or support the criminals with the so-called American Mothers Political Party.

Goldstein has made scurrilous comments about me, but he doesn’t know me, doesn’t know a thing about me, has never spoken with me (and never will), and should have been smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

Goldstein claims I don’t understand the gendered nature of “the problems we are dealing with.” How utterly ridiculous. I fully understand the two primary genders. I know that men lie and lie and lie and use handbooks in divorce to ensure they take advantage of the mother of their children. It makes me sick. But I also know that women lie and lie and lie, pretend to be abused when they weren’t, pretend their children were abused when they weren’t, and will say and do anything to hurt their ex. Meanwhile, in both cases, the children are terribly abused by the process, and those with true stories get obscured by all the serial liars and abusers.

Should we consider Barry Goldstein to be similar to Richard Gardner?

When I became a part of the Lawless America project, I spent years learning from the women and men who claim they are victims, and I am closing in on 365 days on the road, face-to-face with thousands. I believe I have interviewed far more people than Goldstein will ever hope to interview. I was devastated to hear stories from women all across America….and then to learn that a number of these women lied. If they will lie about me (as some have), then I can’t possibly believe that they are telling the truth about anything else.

I do everything humanly possible to assist and support genuine protective mothers. But I will also do everything in my power to expose the liars and the lies.

I am about to decide that nothing meaningful will ever be done to correct the problems with family courts, abuse, and domestic violence because virtually all of the groups are haters. There are the father haters and the mother haters. Many who pretend to be for honesty and the children are often little more than actors. People with what they claim are “non-profit associations” are often in it just for the money.

I will not work with anyone who supports Barry Goldstein, the so-called American Mothers Political Party, Clodine Dumbrowski, Lorraine Tipton, Kimberly Wigglesworth, Kathleen Russell, the so-called Center for Judicial Excellence, Connie Valentine, the so-called California Protective Parents Association, or the so-called Battered Mothers Custody Conference. No one who has anything to do with these people or groups will be in our movies of videos because these people and groups support the twisted criminal activities of the AMPP folks. Many of these people and groups hate fathers and love liars.”

AMPP Attack Mothers Wage War – Blitzkrieg PMA, Lundy & Janice

You will see evidence that American Mothers Political Party (AMPP) has strategically, and systematically, organized their Flying Monkeys (aka supporters) to viciously attack Protective Mothers Alliance (PMA), Janice Levinson and astoundingly — Lundy Bancroft.

Keep in mind, AMPP is supposed to be part of the Mother’s Movement, and therefore, should be allies with PMA in the fight for family court reform. Lundy Bancroft is a respected leader in the fight for family court reform. Lundy is co-founder (along with Janice Levinson) of Protective Mothers’ Alliance International and has been a leader in the Mother’s Movement for decades. According to his online bio, Bancroft is an author, workshop leader, and consultant on domestic abuse and child maltreatment. He has worked with over a thousand abusers directly as an intervention counselor, and has served as clinical supervisor on another thousand cases. He has also served extensively as a custody evaluator, child abuse investigator, and expert witness in domestic violence and child abuse cases. Bancroft’s books ” Why Does He Do That? Inside The Minds Of Angry And Controlling Men” and “The Batterer as Parent” are considered as “bibles” in the Mother’s Movement. As you can see from this screenshot taken from the PMA page, it vows to be a “No Abuse Zone” (compare that to what AMPP is doing!)

A.T.W. has observed, and researched, that PMA is the ONLY organization in the Mother’s Movement that has stood up to, and took a stand against AMPP’s criminal activity and abuse. As a result, AMPP has escalated their attacks in retaliation. Below you will find a timeline supporting this.

Feb, 18, 2013 (Communication): After enduring vicious online attacks, cyber stalking and other forms of harassment and defamation, Bill Windsor of Lawless America, declares that American Mothers Political Party (AMPP) and their sister group Australian AMPP, are a hate group. He then blocks these groups (as best as he can, the members still make fake online profiles infiltrate, and stalk Windsor online).

Janice Levinson of Protective Mothers Alliance (PMA) responds that they have encountered similar problems with a member of Australian AMPP, who is using a fake name.
Direct Quote, “She is vicious and gave PMA, Lundy, and myself lots of problems too
. Bill please call me. Need to speak with you.”


The Attack Mothers at AMPP respond by waging an online blitzkrieg against PMA–making false allegations about PMA, Levinson and Bancroft. AMPP has attempted to discredit PMA and spread lies to confuse and frighten people from working with or joining PMA. AMPP has lied about its role in these attacks, and would like you to believe they actually support Bancroft, (a weak attempt at the old “divide and conquer” routine). You will see the truth here.


Feb, 18, 2013, 11:35 pm: Mama Liberty aka Lorraine Tipton of AMPP declares war: (Direct Quote) “Lundy Bancroft’s mouthpiece, Janice Levinson, starting shit…ONCE AGAIN. YOU WANT WAR YOU GOT IT!”

Tipton also has been active on the Joeys blog.

AMPP Declares War


Feb 19, 2013: Facebook
American Mothers Political Party
Lundy Bancroft’s mouthpiece, Janice Levinson, starting shit…ONCE AGAIN. YOU WANT WAR YOU GOT IT!
Like · · Share · 22 hours ago 7 people like this
American Mothers Political Party BETTER yet call LUNDY xxx-xxx-xxx
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Elizabeth Hope Hernandez xxx-xxx-xxx This num will be found in various (Levinson’s phone number)
21 hours ago · Like · 3


Karlie Maree Oh no! This is so sad and Childish. Lundy would not want his name associated with this I’m sure. Can I call that number from Australia?
19 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3

American Mothers Political Party I would not be surprised to find it various bathroom stalls in Fla even before it was posted on here.
19 hours ago · Like · 2

American Mothers Political Party Karlie Maree sadly Lundy is strongly associated
17 hours ago · Like · 2

Helen-Grace White janice is anti ampp because they know what she is– they know how they victim harvest – and thats what she does– they want mom’s information – then they can blackmail you later (<–ATW NOTE There is NO victim statements, no physical evidence, no police reports, no complaints whatsoever, nothing to support this outrageous lie)
16 hours ago · Like · 4

(More outrageous, unfounded lies and personal attacks on Levinson)

Kristi Jarrett Lundy Bancroft is one of the bad guys? Oh God….say it isn’t so! I thought he was an advocate.
13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Lundy is a great man, and I only heard AMPP said good thing about him…. it is Janice she uses people and lies ….. she is uses Lundy good name, to hurt people( <– ATW NOTE; AGAIN no proof of these allegations are ever offered. Clearly this is more criminal libel and character assassination by AMPP and their flying monkeys)
13 hours ago · Like · 1


Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups just called Lundy and left a message for him about Janice supporting Bill Windsor that has lead to women getting death threat and rape threat and how bill supprt a Domestic terrorist group….he will get the mess feb/26….. when he is back in the office.….. IF HE CALL ME BACK, I will tell him how they screw over Keith, killing his help that has done a lot of good for PM in CT
12 hours ago · Like · 3

Karlie Maree I imagine he’s now stuck between a rock and a hard place
9 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2

American Mothers Political Party I used to thought he was a good guy too. USED TO. Trust us more is to come...
9 hours ago · Like · 3


Feb 20, 2013, 12:03 pm: Levinson and Bancroft are attacked on the Joey blog by an anonymous commentor using personal attacks, profanity and hate speech of the worst kind. The Joey Blog is frequent by AMPP leaders and supporters, and prominently featured on Claudine Dombrowski’s many blogs. We strongly suspect this comment was left by Lorraine Tipton.

(Direct Quote) “Some may not know whom Janice Levinson is, the newest little minion and co-conspirator to Pie Boy. But you may have heard of Lundy Bancroft?

Bancroft is an author, public speaker, retreat doer upper, sweater vest wearing, sock puppet and all around a-hole of the whole ‘mothers rights’ movement. Oh yah, and he is also writing a ‘screen play’ and starting his own religion.”

Lundy Bancroft Attacked on Joey Site - Is anyone standing up to defend him?

(Direct Quote) Ninja February 20, 2013 at 2:32 PM
Anon 12:03 said Lundy Bancroft wants to start his own religion. So, perhaps that is why he supports LA and allows Janice to run around throwing people under the bus. Once Bully takes over the US with his new cult, Lundy is going to be the religious leader and Janice will be one of his wives. (finally)

This whole thing just gets sicker and sicker.

Meanwhile, all the whistleblowers outing the pie man are under fire.


Feb 20, 2013: A petition is created called “Remove Janice Levinson from Protective Mothers Alliances” that includes more unsubstantiated allegations and attempts to spread rumors to discredit PMA.

It also says, “Since then, Janice Levinson, co-founder/executive director of PMA has aligned with “Lawless America” and has continued on re-victimizing battered mothers while Lundy Bancroft looks the other way or perhaps is not aware of the person in charge of his reputation and credibility is doing to ruin it.
WE DEMAND that Lundy Bancroft take action against the disgusting actions of Levinson and correct the hurts that have caused battered mothers to question WHY HE DOES THAT?

It is important to note that this harassing “petition” intended to remove Levinson from her position within PMA was derailed as PMA supporters,members,and leaders consumed this “petition” with a large show of respect and support for their leader. They were successful in shutting down the flying monkeys small collective voice of evil lies.


The silence from the other organizations, advocates, and professionals in the “Mothers’ Movement” along with the Battered Mothers Custody Conference (BMCC) is deafening. How could anyone involved in a victim rights movement stand by in silence while fellow protective moms, advocates and respected professionals are being abused in this criminal fashion!??
What exactly IS the purpose of the Mothers’ Movement and BMCC??? Do they advocate against abuse…..or not?? Are they the voice of support, and justice for victim’s of abuse….or not?? These abusive attacks by AMPP and the flying monkeys towards PMA, Lundy, Janice, and others are ongoing, blatant and atrocious. A.T.W is compelled to ask all within the Mothers’ Movement, and the BMCC ; WHY ARE YOU STAYING SILENT!??

Since Feb, the attacks have escalated and continue to grow worse. Stay tuned as we at A.T.W. piece together this story, and expose the abusers!

Elizabeth Hope Hernandez Quotes Forgiveness: Does She Really Mean It?

What a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping..and Elizabeth Hope Hernandez is quoting forgiveness on her FB blog even as she is waging vicious attacks, and scaring people from posting in public forums.

The beautiful sunset shining over Hernandez’s page with the golden script about forgiveness is surreal. You either believe the sun shining, birds chirping fantasy or step into the dark reality of hate and bitter resentment that makes forgiveness impossible.

Shannon E. Miller Hernandez aka Elizabeth Hope Hernandez has joined in on some of the most vicious internet attacks with the Joeys, and AMPP. Hernandez targets.not just against Bill Windsor and Lawless America but against anyone who is unfortunate to get in her path. Hernandez can be witnessed losing control on the Powerpuff page–her words are like a tornado, meant to destroy everything in their path. She has even said it would be good thing if Windsor were to die. No surprise, Hernandez is named in the criminal complaints Windsor has filed but.

Read as Hernandez quotes forgiveness, do you hear the birds chirping or hear the words of an “insufferable manipulator”?

Hernandez uses this quote as her Facebook cover: “Forgiving is love’s toughest work, and love’s biggest risk. If you twist it into something it was never meant to be, it can make you a doormat or an insufferable manipulator. Forgiving seems almost unnatural. Our sense of fairness tells us people should pay for the wrong they do. But forgiving is love’s power to break nature’s rule.” – Lewis B. Smedes

Here’s an online article about Hernandez’s outrageous behavior, though this is date Jan 2013, Hernandez has continued her attacks, and has found an eager audience with the bullies on the Powerpuff page. As you read, ask yourself if this reflects someone who believes in forgiveness or is this someone who has “twisted it into something it was never meant to be”.

This article includes screenshots from Hernandez’s postings and an AMPP member list. I found this blog on the AMPP site..thanks ladies for posting!

Cease and Deceased – Threat vs Windsor


Source:Naomi at

The American Mothers Political Party has launched a boycott against Lawless America…The Movie. The American Mothers Political Party has posted that they are launching a letter-writing campaign to the Sundance Film Festival to encourage them to block Lawless America… The Movie.

The fact is, these crazy letters will probably increase Lawless America’s chances of appearing in the Sundance Film Festival. Michael Moore had a lot more haters than Bill Windsor. People created many anti-Michael Moore websites, and not a single one of them managed to shut him up.

One man-hater in particular has gone bat-shit crazy. This is what I was able to view from her facebook page in the last two days. This is NOT normal. I do not care how much you do not like somebody, this chick has no life whatsoever.

For the purpose of this blog, I removed this crazy lady’s contact information. If you would like to call her and tell her that she is an obsessive freak, visit the Lawless America Website.

This lady needs to mind her own business. If she does not want to participate in the documentary, she does not have to. This freak has an elaborate conspiracy theory that Bill Windsor is a misogynist.

Bill Windsor has taken the statements of women, men, children, grandparents and disabled people. He is not sexist, racist or ageist. This woman is just a fruit loop. The image to the right contains only two days of obsessive posts and ramblings.

Paranoid feminists are no different from paranoid mens rights activists. This obsessive pustule of hatred is astonishing. I think that Elizabeth is one of those professional victims. You know the ones who choose abusive men and enjoy being little victims. Victims do not have to take responsibility for themselves. This lady is going to be a victim for the rest of her life. At least we can say she is getting what she wants from life.

(Image from Naomi at Venture Philosophy Blog)

Bill Windsor Defends Lawless America: AMPP is a Hate Group

You Tube Link:

Strong words from Bill Windsor of Lawless America, denouncing American Mothers Political Party (AMPP) as a hate group. Windsor begins this video by naming the allegations AMPP has levelled against him–that he is a pedophile, supports abusive men, is a liar, a fraud, is greedy and worse.. And firmly states that “none of those are true, not a word is true”.

Windsor alleges AMPP is a hate group that has made up outlandish stories against him, slandered him online, and attempted to destroy his reputation. Windsor alleges AMPP members slander him online and use various names and aliases to hide who they are, and wage multiple attacks.

Windsor states: “I have dedicated the rest of my life, at no compensation, to save America from the government and political corruption. And now I am going to have to carve out a portion of that to try to expose the corrupt, dishonest women, who are out there abusing the family court system.

Now I have many wonderful friends that I made, who are family court victims, who are women, and I believe them. But I don’t believe these women. People who lie and make up things like this, cannot be trusted, cannot be believed, in my opinion, this is a hate group, the American Mothers Political Party. In addition to doing everything I can to save America from government and political corruption, I’ll be darned if I am not going to do everything I can, to expose each of these people, and this organization for what it is, it needs to be shut down, their website, their facebook page, the mere existence of this thing needs to be wiped off the earth.

..I have given everything I got, at no compensation, to go out and help people, and the ultimate slap in the face, well it’s more than a slap in the face, it’s not even words can describe it, the ultimate, insult is for these lying, dishonest, vicious, manipulative, sick people to attack me, slander me viciously, turn people against me who have been very supportive, and they are doing huge damage to the family court battle that exists in the United States to get things get corrected..

Folks none of this stuff is true, I put explanations of this on the website, there is not one iota of truth..”

— Bill Windsor

READ MORE AT: “Bill Windsor has been attacked by Shannon E. Miller, the American Mothers Political Party, Facebook, and More. Tuesday, 01 January 2013. William M. Windsor”

“Lawless America has been suspended by Facebook. Bill Windsor and Lawless America have been attacked, libeled, slandered, and threatened by people associated with the American Mothers Political Party, and others.”

This article includes the facts on the AMPP allegations against Bill and Lawless America, E-Mail proof of AMPP attacks against Bill, and information on the Lawless America project.